It's nippy here in the Northeast, and looking back on Kathy and Will's wedding makes me ooze with California sunshine and heat. Having the privilege of being one of Kathy's bridesmaids, I was involved in the wedding design process more than ever! I felt honored that Kathy relied on me for the littlest details and she accepted every suggestion with much enthusiasm and satisfaction. That's my kind of bride!
These stunning photos were taken by
Blueberry Photography.

Don't you want to put these in ice cubes and drink them through a straw?

It was lovely spending time with and getting to know all these ladies. We're a fun group!

Guests were greeted with an array of Izze Soda refreshments.

They acted as escort cards to direct guests to their respected tables.
I picked about ten pounds of lemons from my yard's lemon tree. Kathy's friends helped with cutting them up on site and arranging them as decorations for the reception. Among them, was the talented
Grace Baek.

Having fun with the favors! Remember those?

Congratulations Kathy!! Love, your granny (obviously an inside joke).